dimecres, 13 de juny del 2012


1. What is global warming? 
    Global Warming is the current rise in the average temperature of Earth's, oceans and atmosphere. The most obvious results are visible in the Artic.

2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?
    The "greenhouse" effect is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse.
Fist, sunlight shines into the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and then radiates back into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere, "greenhouse" gases trap some of his heat, and the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the more heat gets trapped.

3. What signs warm us about global warming?
Some of the most obvious signs are visible in the Artic, where rising temperatures and melting ice are dramatically changing the regions unique landscape and wildlife-as well as people's lives and livelihoods. Across the globe, other early warning sign include melting glaciers, siftings ranges of plants and animals, and the earlier onset of spring.

4. Can you quote another term for global warming?
    Another terms for global warming are across the globe, melting glacers, the earlier argent of spring and deforestation.

5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?
    I think that it is a reality because it is starting to affect our planet, and the people. We're destroying our world with pollution, graffiti... and also some many science that demonstrate us thats true.


What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.

- Recycle
- Use public transport instead of using private cars.
- Create less pollution
- Change a light bulb
- Buy energy - efficient products
- Use less Hot Water



dilluns, 4 de juny del 2012


The author spent his childhood in a little town next to the river MIssissippi, and he left scholl when he was 12 yeras old. He was a typographer, a steamboat pilot, and a gold digger, before becoming the most famous American wrtier of his time.

childhood - infancia
typographer - tipógraf
steamboat - barco de vapor
gold digger - buscador d'or


In 1870 , Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon. Olivia, a sweet and refined lady, became his literary adviser. She controlled the impulsive style of her husband's writing, eliminating from his text the more "direct" expressions which came from his random and intense life full of jokes, parties and fights. Time passed, and more books appeared: A Hard Life, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The adventure of Huckleberry Finn..By then everybody knew Mark Twain. But little by little, the America described in his novels disappeared, to give was to a different country, rich, moralistic and "civilized".
When Mark Twain died in 1910 the America of the pioneers and the mythical land of freedom called " the frontier" had disappeared forever.

sweet - dolç
adviser - conseller
fights - lluita
give way - donar pas
mythical - mític
freedom - llibertat

dimecres, 23 de maig del 2012

My name’s Mireia Noguer and I live in South London, in England. I like the area where I live, so I want to improve it.
In my opinion, the young people spend all their time hanging around the street. As a result tehre are problems with vandalism and graffiti.
I think there isn't anywhere for young people to go. There aren't any facilities for them. I'm sure that if there was a yout club, all the people wold go there. 

Mireia Noguer 

dilluns, 21 de maig del 2012


100 years after the Titanic tragedy, the world's most famous ship still fascinates us. This April, discover the legend in the new 3D version of James Cameron's film Titanic.
 What was the Titanic? 
The Titanic was the largest passenger ship in the world. It was built in 1912. It was like a flouting town with passengers from all social classes. Inside the titanic The Titanic was a luxury ship. Rich passengers paid a lot of money for a decorated suite with elegant styles, but the poor people didn't have that luxury. 
The Titanic Destination 
The Titanic's first voyage was from Southampton, in England, to New York City, USA. The ship left on 10 April 1912... but never arrived at it destination
 The tragedy 
On 14 April, four days after leaving Southampton, the Titanic was in the North Atlantic. The sea was calm but visibility was low. At 11.40 pm, a lookout saw a large iceberg near the ship. 37 seconds later, the Titanic hit the iceberg and water entered the ship. At first the passengers didn't panic... two hours and 40 minutes later, at 2.20am, the Titanic sank... 
Who died? 
Of the 2,224 people on board, only 710 survived. Most survivors were women, children and the rich: 60% of first-class passengers survived. But only 42% of second-class and 25% of third-class passengers survived.
Titanic Film
 The wreck of Titanic was found in 1985, about 4 km under the sea. James Cameron made his 1997 film, Titanic, using real images of the wreck. It was the highest grossing film of all time until Avatar (2009). But this isn’t the only film of Titanic tragedy; there are eleven in total. This big event has become very important; this is why there are a lot of films of it, in a lot of languages. 
The last survivor
 The last survivor of the Titanic died in 2009, aged 96. Her name was Millvina Dean and she was two months oldwhen she was rescued from the ship.

dilluns, 14 de maig del 2012

Dialogue 8

Mireia: Mònica, what's happened? Are you OK?
Mònica: No, I've burt my finger.
Mireia. how did that happen?
Mònica: It was an accident. I burnt while I was cooking.
Mireia: Oh, right. Have you cleaned it?
Mònica: Yes, I have, but it hurts.
Mireia: Do you need help?
Mònica: No, I think it'll be OK.
Mireia: Mmm. Maybe you need to see a doctor.
Dialogue 7

Mireia: Mònica..Mònica!
Mònica: Yes? Oh, hi, Mireia.
Mireia: Are you doing anything this afternoon?
Mònica: No, nothing special. Why?
Mireia: I'm going to a tennis tournament, in Wimbeldon sports park, if you're interested.
Mònica: Yes, great. What time does it start?
Mireia: it's on 1 p.m at the sports centre.
Mònica: OK. Shall i meet you outside at about half past twelve?
Mireia: Yeah, OK. I'll see you there.
Mònica: See you later, Mireia.
A STORY - unit 8

Mònica: Mireia, Mireia help me!
Mireia: What's happened?
Mònica? I'm in a boat, but the boat hit in a rock and he made a hole!
Please Mireia let's phone the coastguard!
Mireia: Don't panic! Are you OK?
Mònica: No, I think I've injured my arm. I can't move verry well. 
Please, run run and tell!
Mireia: OK,OK
Mònica: Mireia!
Mireia: Now what's happening?
Mònica: The boat has sink! Help!